work was miserable today, given how much we lost to scrap, and I realized that I can't stand how racist some of the people around me there are.
or anywhere, for that matter.
I don't want to make this a political blog, but there's things I refuse to tolerate, and racism/sexism/homophobia/jingoism is chief on the list.
and yes, "is" would be the correct grammatical choice here. they're all just different names for the same parasite.
honestly thinking about giving up on screenwriting, too, and becoming a park ranger or something so I can help take care of nature and not have to deal with people as much.
here, let's put aside my discontentment, and instead have a picture of Sweetsong at Cobb's Hill.

I think tomorrow I'm going to try and write up all the sweetsong adventures I missed.
anyways, take care, Constant Readers. Always glad to see you stop by.