31 August 2015

Sweetsong's Adventures previews

So, since I've got a backlog of these now, I'm just going to throw out a couple images of places we've been recently, so as to show that we are trying to keep up.
catch more below

30 August 2015

Sometimes I do poetry, too. Here's one for EQLA.

The Poem is called "Ridley's Riddle." catch it post-break.

28 August 2015


Yeah. Fire.

27 August 2015

"LETHE" sketchbook dump #1

I like to art

Random sketches from when I should have been paying attention at the orientation.

I like the ghosty-liney one, as I knew from the moment the pen hit the page it was going to come out well, and I never get that feeling, as half the time when pen hits page I don't even know what I'm drawing, which was the case with this one. Feels like it's pinkie pie, and I'm not sure why.

also, Pony Power Armor. I think that's my favorite sketch I've drawn....maybe ever. It's just so bucking COOOOOOL.

plenty more below, but I'm just going to leave the links to the deviantart posts instead of copying the notes over on all of them, because that will take forever and I'm feeling lazy. some language ahead (but you know me) and one that's...well, pretty creepy. so fair warning on that.

26 August 2015

Today was a bucking rollercoaster of emotion.


so, the recap:

Equestria LA announced that Lauren Faust that will be a guest out of bucking nowhere.

I'm a star sponsor, so I will almost definitely meet her.

then it turns out that the company I worked for lost the big order, and there wasn't going to be almost any business for the factory for months.

PLEASE NOTE THAT I USED THE PAST TENSE THERE. As I had only been there a little over a month, and was still technically a temp, I got the axe.


THEN I gorged myself on food and walked around the mall near my house for a bit, which helped:

EDIT: forgot to mention that the temp agency might have another job for me. whups.

THEN I FOUND OUT that my panel is not only first thing in the morning at Equestria LA, but also the ONLY THING GOING ON THAT HOUR. [panicky horse noises]

then one of my favorite animators ever (viva IMMATOONLINK reverie) posted this:
which cheered me up a ton.

Then, as an extension of laughing about the above song and other canadian things, my dad told me that my Great-Great-Grandfather was actually a huge part in the populist movements in western canada back around the turn of the 20th Century:
Frederick William Green was a pretty cool dude, apparently.

Which explains a lot of my political views, in a way.

and now I'm sitting here, typing to you while eating cheesecake and trying not to fall apart. 

fuck this day. seriously.


PS:adventures with sweetsong has been postponed until tomorrow night due to exhaustion.

25 August 2015

Tired now. blog tomorrow.

I will not be in to work on thursday (related to going back for my degree), so I'll totally make an awesome post of the aswemomeoaowsasweawesome stuff Sweetsong and I did today.

like find bagpipers. no, seriously, we did.

anywho, have some Ghost instead.

24 August 2015

More Top-of-the-world shenanigans with everypony's favorite mare.

 Inhaled too much degreaser today and got nauseous at work,  so I decided to head for the hills again with our constant heroine.

I'd feel bad about not having actual writing posts and interesting stuff here, but screw that. Nature and ponies and pictures and beautiful clean air.

more pinnacle adventures below.

Everything will be OK

dunno why, but I got a feeling.
A feeling like the worst is behind us.
So just...
Sleep tight, okay?
Tonight's a night for restful slumber.
see you later, space pony.

23 August 2015


Stroke of luck. No photos of her where I found her, because all parties agreed it was better to just get her out. Brought rarity along because her mark came from finding things, and that turned out to be an excellent choice.

She was lodged between two rocks here:
nearly fell in, which would have meant broken ribs on the rocks beneath the water, but I didn't, so it's all good.

22 August 2015

RIP Sweetsong the first. 2011-2015.

She's gone.

I can't find her anywhere, and I think she fell out of my pocket while I was down at the bay.

That makes this the last photo I ever took of her.

more below.

20 August 2015

No post tonight...unless you count this.

which you shouldn't.

have some kasabian instead.

19 August 2015

Collected Detritus (and also a sweet pony figurine find)

Thoughts, brainfarts and the like below. mostly just little things laying around that don't add up to a post on their own.

also MLP swag GET

see you on the other side of the break.

18 August 2015

Living with a Tantabus warm-up question-how'd you find the ponies?

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO if you haven't heard I'll be doing a panel at Equestria LA, and as part of writing it, I want to get a feel for you.

um, lemme rephrase that. I want to get a feel for what brought people to the fandom, and what keeps them around.

Questions can be found after the break.

17 August 2015

APPLEJACK IS IN THE HOUSE (the plush arrrived)

also searching "Applejack Dat Ass" without safesearch on was...interesting.
pics below!

16 August 2015


She's only canon to the merch, but I don't give a buck. Literally the best.

Bleh. Just keeping the posts regular, but don't feel up to a whole post tonight.

14 August 2015


13 August 2015

New OC-Redline

after the break. because suck it nerds.

12 August 2015

Our Deer Neighbors.

No, don't give me that, it's spelled correctly. 

more after the break.

11 August 2015

CRAAAAAAP I missed yesterday.

Crap. My b.

Here's Sweetsong at one of my usual workstations, the grinding wheel, to make up for that.

09 August 2015

Sombra X Stairs my OTP

Literally the best thing ever.


07 August 2015

Today was terrifying.

Nearly lost my fingertips today at work. A millimeter further and they would have been clean off.

Went home because nearly passing out. Not so much the blood loss, more the tetanus shot.

Stupid fucking timesaver. It's been touchy for the whole time I've been there. It somehow hooked to pieces at once. I tried to grab the overlapped part (which was stupid but I thought I had time to fix it), but when I pulled it it got yanked in and sliced deep into three fingers. Luckily it didn't get all the way through and weren't so deep that I needed stiches. Phew.

it only struck me later how close I was. It was really scary and I went on a pizza hut binge to compensate.

there was a secret phrase for today, but the timesaver ate it. D:

06 August 2015

THE ADVENTURES OF SWEETSONG: Ontario County Park highlights reel

So rather than spam you all in other places, the pics and stuff from today's adventure will be here.
Today's adventure partner was Coconut Cream.

more after the break.

05 August 2015

TODAY'S POST IS ....short.

I keep getting distracted from posting, and I'm sorry to all one and a half of you who might actually read this, but teaching my sister how to drive stick was kind of more important.

also toy helicopter from walmart clearance rack, but you know....life and stuff.

04 August 2015

Cadejo's New Guitar, and Why He Got It

So through a long (but ultimately boring and eventful) series of events, I got a new guitar today.


after the break, because I like to keep things neat.

03 August 2015

A Ride with Sweetsong

Driving with my #1 mare.


For those of you unfamiliar with the reference
which you should be ashamed of
[prententious horse music noises]

I was planning on writing something clever for this.



I promise this blag will be about clever and cool things in the future, but right now I need to vent some.

Some whining about things after the break.

Mobile testing at lunch

How exhilarating. More after the break.

02 August 2015


More noodling with format and such.
Feel free to keep moving.

Yeah. Ponies 'n' S#&%

Will HG remember to capitalize his sentences? click below for more!

[Horse Soundcheck Noises]

So let's get things off the ground, shall we? The name's Heavy Gauge, least so long as I'm posting here. This is going to be my spot for things, where I pretend I'm intelligent and post stuff I've made or am working on.

More to follow, after I'm done mucking about with layout and all that crap.