Cadejo Jones (also sometimes known by his equine alter-ego, Heavy Gauge) is a Ponyfan/Southpaw/Guitarist/Storyteller from the finger lakes. Due to regulations, we are obligated to tell you that this blog contains at least 46% filler by weight.
28 September 2015
Hey Appleglenn
sorry to call you out by name, but I know you still check here regularly.
It's gotten to the point where I can't even write or think properly, and I need to get out before it breaks me.
but I'll be okay. I have a plan.
25 September 2015
Not feeling up to a post tonight

24 September 2015
Alt-J live review
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 24, 2015
that far one of the best concerts I've ever been to. the only contenders against it are the Foo Fighters (who went nearly 4 goddamn hours), and Godspeed You! Black Emperor (which is a memory I keep in a glass box).
holy crap though. definitely best light show, and just...the main street armory is the coolest venue ever.
Main street armory. Alt-J. This is gonna be good.
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 23, 2015
anyways, if you're not into Alt-J you need to fix that.
good night, Dear reader, good night.
23 September 2015
Going to see Alt-J
though if you're feeling randy, this might count.
don't feel randy, he doesn't like it.
An Alt-J Primer below.
22 September 2015
working on a new MLP fic
The story is called "A Finder of Lost Things," and it's a sort of holmesy affair with a healthy dose of dirk gently and various genre 'cliches' to either be abused or lampshaded.
it'll be fun.
also given that I'm out of work today (I barfed in the bathroom. acid reflux is not fun, but I fixed it with tums and a plate of pierogi when I got home) I figure instead of laying around being miserable, I should lay around and be productive and miserable.
spoilers (sort of) below, but sometimes I can't help but look back at my notes and laugh.
21 September 2015
Stillllll in a dreeeaaammmmm CAAAKEEE EAAAATERRRRRRRR
With darkness and frosting through the night
I quit my diet
Not for honor, but for you
**Cake Eater**
In my time there'll be no one else
Confection, it's the way I ice to you
**Cake Eater**
I'm still in a dream, Cake Eater!
20 September 2015
Panel Follow-up: Living with a Tantabus, Equestria LA 2015
17 September 2015
Cravings will be satisfied. @VictorAppleFarm
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 17, 2015
Wait, what do you mean we forgot applejack?
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 17, 2015
(internet here is being buggy, so more posts on saturday. tomorrow I hang with the gang, so maybe expect more pictures of fire?)
16 September 2015
GOP debate reactions
that being said, reading the #gopdebate posts on twitter was endlessly more entertaining without any context.
all I got out of it were these:
It's like watching a broken animatronic at a disney park, but somehow more terrifying.
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 17, 2015
#GOPDebate All I've learned is that Trump is a broken animatronic doll from a disney ride possessed by someone's rich racist grandpa.
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 17, 2015
call me up when he bursts into flame.
15 September 2015
Day one of "The Safe Job"
it's also only 10 minutes from home, 2 minutes from my comic book shop of choice, and I make pretty cool stuff.
tonight's safety phrase that pays for days through the haze of a maze called malaise: "Dish Sponge."
quote it to the nearest ungulate, and see if they're in on it, too.
14 September 2015
Last Roundup Fiasco announces their first R&B Album
[I know you're going to look anyway]
12 September 2015
I've been pounding OJ and slept most of the past two days, so it should round out.
eat your vitamins, kids. don't be like uncle cadejo and inject them straight into your kidneys.
11 September 2015
Man, weirdly productive blogging day.
catching up with one of my closest friends today, and we had one of our late night "coffee and comics" binges, (minus coffee for me, because the obvious) and it led to our usual misadventures.
Walmart voyages are an experience. if you don't believe me, go into one and take a good, thorough look around the section labeled "canned meats."
I learned things today. things I can't unlearn.
Wal-mart experience. Every time.
— Cadejo, Storyteller (@CallMeCadejo) September 11, 2015
10 September 2015
thanks for sticking with me, either way. there is a reward.
World suicide Prevention day is today.
I...I don't know that I have it in me emotionally to talk about it, but if you're on the edge out there, please come back. I know it's bad, but there's another way. please. there always is.
Proud swagger out of the school yard
Waiting for the world's applause
Rebel without a conscience
Martyr without a cause
Static on your frequency
Electrical storm in your veins
Raging at unreachable glory
Straining at invisible chains
And now you're trembling on a rocky ledge
Staring down into a heartless sea
Can't face life on a razor's edge
Nothing's what you thought it would be
All of us get lost in the darkness
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
All of us do time in the gutter
Dreamers turn to look at the cars
Turn around and turn around and turn around
Turn around and walk the razor's edge
Don't turn your back
And slam the door on me
It's not as if this barricade
Blocks the only road
It's not as if you're all alone
In wanting to explode
Someone set a bad example
Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior
Who lost the will to fight
And now you're trembling on a rocky ledge
Staring down into a heartless sea
Done with life on a razor's edge
Nothing's what you thought it would be
No hero in your tragedy
No daring in your escape
No salutes for your surrender
Nothing noble in your fate
Christ, what have you done?
09 September 2015
Some sort of sleep/health issue
I'm exhausted and completely short of breath. I didn't sleep last night almost at all (which I suspect was just a result of yesterday in general), and I'm having trouble keeping awake.
As a result, I'm pushing posts back again. I feel bad to do it, as I know some of you really want to know how it all went, but right now I need to get some sleep and figure out what the hell is going on.
I'll still probably be checking my twitter, if you should need to contact me or something, but until tomorrow I'm not going to be at nightlies on EQD or Base or anywhere.
hopefully it's just accumulated stress and jetlag, and not anything more serious.
EDIT: Took some decongestants and the like and I can breathe easier now, but exhaustion is still a thing.
08 September 2015
So I'm not going back, I'm calling the temp agency tomorrow, and spending the rest of tomorrow writing about all the pony swag from EQLA.
today's phrase is dehumanized. D:
Day 1 of "The Hammer Job"
but here I go. wish me luck, and hopefully all this bad juju I'm feeling is misplaced.
I have most of the swagpost done, as that's the easiest, and I want the day-by-day breakdown and my panel highlights to come later, as I'm still in a crazy (good, but still crazy) emotional state. I just had the best three days of my life, and I'm trying to let them settle, as well as the fact I am starting a new job tomorrow that I've got reservations about, not the least of which is that I essentially am not allowed to talk about what I will be doing as a condition of working there.
also, my phone continues to slosh further down the bullshit slip-n-slide it's been on since the day I left, so getting the photos out at the proper resolution may require a hammer.
Still, don't want to leave you hanging, so here's a few quick teasers:
Ludicrous amounts of swag. all worth it.
anywho, Catch you around, Constant Readers. This dog has a sleephole to dig himself.
05 September 2015
can die happy now.
@Fyre_flye @M_A_Larson @KeatingRogers @gmberrow I met some heroes today. Proof that a life can turn around. #thankyou
— Cadejo goes to EQLA (@CallMeCadejo) September 5, 2015
04 September 2015
Safely in LA bed with AJ...the plush.
We have...arrived. #EQLADREAMING
— Cadejo Jones (@CallMeCadejo) September 4, 2015
03 September 2015
That was really bucking close.
It will actually be my ghost if you see me at EQLA, because I am actually dead of four consecutive coronaries trying to make my connection in JFK. I made it and am now actually just dead on the plane. Going to sleep instead of finishing my panel because holy jesus I can see his face who knew christ was a draft horse?
Stillness of soul in concourse B
There's no spirit in this place. Maybe--maybe when I was young, there was the bitterness of departure, the excitement of travel about to begin. When I was young, there might have been the detensioning sigh of arrival, the warmth of travels finished and the welcoming arms of home.
It all died screaming when the security gates moved up the hall, but the roar of engines spooling up for departure and the deafening screech of fears made new 300 miles away in a smoldering hole in the center of a city washed them out like a puddle before a bursting dam.
Now even the air tastes sterile. Sterile the way the bleached air is in the cabin planes. The only thing that keeps me from getting sick is the desert sun awaiting me, the thought of sand and fire and freeways, and the impossibly pretty blonde sitting across from me.
In a tide of uneventful faces, she's like a sunflower in a field of wheat. She's nearly cut from stone, she's in such good shape. And her skin matches, flawless. Eyes like clear water in sunny climes, and a look of cold determination and intelligence. Hell, she's even wearing the kind of nikes I like.
Our eyes occasionally meet in disinterest, not looking directly at each other or anything at all, just roving in boredom. Beyond the fact it's half a bored hour in an airport, and that she's so far out of my league there's galaxies between, I don't want to interfere. She's so perfect as a human in a moment, I'm afraid if I approached her she'd shatter like glass and I'd have murdered a higher stage of human. Plus, it's better just to leave her to her own story, and not ruin this moment of amazement.
She points out that someone dropped her sunglasses. Her voice is perfect.
I don't believe, almost, that she's real. She's a reflection of what I want to be, in honesty.
And there's probably someone out there that thinks I'm some stupid fucking ideal. Everyone has these moments, whether they realize or not. We witness an idea that has actually been someone else with their own life and thoughts the whole time.
It's the only break from the disgusting view of an airport made ugly.
music and camera are now effectively useless, because my phone decided to forget what the fuck a MicroSD card is EVEN THOUGH IT WAS USING SHIT FROM IT TWENTY MINUTES AGO MOTH---
anyways, going to get a camera at bestbuy or somewhere because I am not going to EQLA without some sort of photography equipment.
02 September 2015
01 September 2015
You've suffered an awesome fate, haven't you?
until Equestria LA. :D
so actually, what I'm here to tell you is to not expect any blogposts before or during EQLA, because I will be doing at least some of the following:
- Packing
- Planning
- Trying to finish my panel
- Panicking
- Panicking about my unfinished panel
- Panicking through a practice run of the pane
- being on planes
- did we mention panicking?
- Intermittent seizures out of pure joy
- Panicking about my panel
- Doing my panel
- Panicking mid-panel
- Panicking before meeting horse celebrities
- Eating Lunch with M. A. Larson (no, really)
- Chilling with a certain Duke for a least a bit
- In-N-Out Burger
- Like, Twice
- Visiting a semi-distant relation who lives out there, or them visiting me, or something
- Panicking about something
- Videotaping and Photographing everything in sight
- Trying not to get drive-by signed by Larson
- Probably panicking on the flights, because I hate flying
- Horse
- So Much Horse